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The practice of Mindfulness leading to silent meditation, recommended by many therapists, is not a modern fad. Mindfulness practices may seem to offer ‘new’ hopes and remedies but these do in fact reflect and are a manifestation of a perennial and universal wisdom, one that is perhaps found in all the major religions and philosophies.
Among the many aspects that Mindfulness and Meditation have in common is the necessity of practice. Like acquiring any other skill, the essence of meditation is that it becomes a way of life, not an occasional or one-off experience. We grow and cultivate the fruits of inner peace, stability and centred presence through practice. Commitment and self-discipline are both the way and the reward.
The regular weekly one hour meeting includes a brief reading for the day, 30 minutes silent meditation, followed by a closing prayer, and conversation.
The group is completely open, welcoming anyone who may be curious, members of other churches, those of other faiths, and those who profess no faith but who would like to try this form of mindfulness meditation for themselves.
There is no cost and it is not necessary to attend every week – please just come along as you can or as you wish.