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Why are we writing a Neighbourhood Plan? Once finished, the plan will be examined by a planning inspector and will then be subject to a parish referendum. It will require a “Yes” vote of more than 50%, but once it comes into force it will have statutory status and therefore carry much more weight with the planning authority, WBC, which must take it into account in determining planning applications. In addition, Chiddingfold will receive 25% of all Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments in the parish rather than the 15% payable without a plan. The Community Infrastructure Levy is a planning charge which came into force in 2010 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.
What has happened so far? Since the Parish Council decided to start the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan several volunteers have spent time considering the issues of importance to the village and consulting with residents at a number of different events. All the ideas and feedback have been collated into a report by our consultants (Nexus Planning) and will be on show in January, together with potential sites for new housing. The WBC Local Plan requires that 100 new homes are built in Chiddingfold within the plan period (2013-2032) and this is your chance to have a say over where they can go.
Please make every effort to attend this event which is so important for the future of our village. We want as many people as possible to come, including children and young people as there will be a special section devoted to their needs. A reminder of the date – 27/28 January in the Village Hall.
Christine Tebbot
Chiddingfold Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
As part of the formal Neighbourhood Plan process we are required to undertake a “Call for Sites” and this is well underway. A copy of the form and accompanying letter is attached. These have been sent to all interested parties identified so far Downloadable Form PDF 60kb
The Steering Group has in mind to write an Empty Homes Policy into the plan, but in the meantime I have been in contact with the WBC officer responsible for this area, Simon Brisk, the Private Sector Housing Manager. It is clear from his correspondence that WBC do not consider this to be an issue of concern in the Borough and will not pursue any course of action without prompting from us.
Upon completion of the Call for Sites and the WBC work, we need to assess the potential housing sites against a range of criteria and develop options for development. Criteria (yet to be agreed) will include the feedback from the recent consultation as well as other, more technical aspects, for example, we will need to consult the Highways Authority on access to sites. Other topics Following the consultation more volunteers have come forward and in particular we have more offers of help with the business section, which are being followed up. An interview was arranged with Steve Forward of Hoppa and notes of this will be circulated.